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All About TaskAngel

  • Getting Started With TaskAngel
    To get TaskAngel, just point your browser to this web address: You can use any modern browser on any device, but not Internet Explorer. This takes you to a login page, unless you are already logged in. Enter your email address and password, or tap Register if this is your first time.
  • What devices does TaskAngel run on?
    TaskAngel Online runs on anything with a browser. Windows, Mac, Chromebook, iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets. We also have native versions for Windows and iOS. They use Toodledo to sync your tasks and notes across your devices.
  • Is it necessary to download the app?
    TaskAngel is a versatile and intuitive to-do list app designed for all your smart devices. One of the main advantages of using TaskAngel is its flexibility. You can access its features directly through a web browser without needing to download or install anything. This is particularly convenient if you want to get started right away, or if you prefer not to clutter your devices with additional apps. However, if you prefer a native application experience, TaskAngel is also available to install on smartphones and tablets, or on a desktop like Mac, Windows, Chromebook, Linux or Android. Installing the app allows it to work like any other application, seamlessly syncing your tasks and notes so that you can access them even when you're offline. This ensures that you can stay organized and productive, whether you're connected to the internet or not. TaskAngel adapts to your preferences, providing a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for managing your tasks efficiently.
  • Install TaskAngel as an app
    You can install TaskAngel just like a native app on any device. Then you can use it even when you don't have a good internet connection. ​ How you do this depends on the device you are installing it on. Read on to find out more...
  • Install on iPhone and iPad
    This method works only with Safari. Use Safari to browse to When TaskAngel appears, go to the Share button on Safari and select 'Add to Home Screen'. Tap 'Add' to complete the process, then drag the app icon to where you want it. TaskAngel is now an app on your device, so you can tap on it to run it, like any other app. We also provide a native app for iPhone and iPad, which you can download from the app store.
  • Install on Android
    On your phone and tablet, use Chrome to browse to Tap Install. Follow the on-screen instructions A shortcut for TaskAngel appears on the dock, just like for any other app. You can run TaskAngel on Kindle Fire, but the Kindle OS doesn't let you install it like an app. Just browse to it at
  • Install on Windows
    Open Chrome and browse to At the top right corner of Chrome, click on the three-dot menu icon and choose 'Install taskangel...' Follow the on-screen instructions. A shortcut appears on your app list in the Start Menu. You can pin it to your start menu and taskbar, just like any other app. To uninstall TaskAngel, tap the three-dot menu icon near the right of the bar at the top of The TaskAngel app. Then choose Uninstall TaskAngel. We also provide a native app for Windows, which you can download. It syncs with Toodledo instead of TaskAngel Online.
  • Install on Mac
    On your mac, open Chrome and browse to At the top right of the address bar, click Install. Follow the on-screen instructions. A shortcut appears on the dock, just like any other app.
  • Install on Chromebook
    In Chrome, browse to At the top right corner of Chrome, click Install. Follow the on-screen instructions. A shortcut appears on your the dock, just like any other app.
  • Install on Linux
    Open Chrome and browse to At the top right of the address bar, click on the three-dot menu button, then select Install TaskAngel. Follow the on-screen instructions. A shortcut appears on the dock, just like any other app.
  • Keep TaskAngel Up To Date
    When you are using TaskAngel Online, it updates itself silently to the latest version as soon as it is released. Read our Change Log to see the recent changes that have been made.
  • Using the Home Page
    The home page has an overview of your workload. You have just added a task, so it is in the count of All Tasks ​ Tap on 'All Tasks'. This takes you to your task list. ​ To make your next task, tap the '+' button floating near the bottom of the task list.
  • What is a task?
    Your to-do list is made up of tasks. Each task is a promise, to yourself or to someone else. In each task you say exactly what you have committed to do, and by what due date.
  • Make Your First Task
    After login, the first screen you see is the Home Page. Tap the Add Task button near the top. ​ The Task Editor pops up. Type in a title for your task. This says what you are going to do, like 'Phone Mike about car'. ​ Tap 'Save' to finish adding the task
  • Complete a task
    When you have done a task, you can mark it as completed by tapping on its checkmark, in the task list. ​ To hide completed in the task list, go to the Settings Page and switch off Show Completed Tasks. When you do that, the Home Page changes so that it counts 'active' tasks, which are those that have not yet been completed.
  • The Task Editor
    Open the Task Page in the task list by tapping the task. Then tap Edit on the Task Page. The Task Editor pops up. In the Task Editor, you can change any of the properties of your task. To change its due date, go to the Due field and tap on the selected due date. ​ A date picker opens, in the form of a calendar. Select which month you want, then tap on the required day of the month. At the bottom of the Task Editor, tap Save to keep your changes. ​ Every task has a note, for you to remember the details of what you have to do. You can format it with headings, bulleted lists, and bold and italic text. ​ Maybe the task came to you from an email. Just copy and paste the email into the note. ​ Always tap Save to keep your changes.
  • Set a Due Date
    If you have promised someone that you will complete a task by a given date, record it in the task as a Due Date. Use the Task Editor to do this. ​ Use the Filter Panel to see a list of overdue tasks, or those that are due today, or tomorrow. ​ You can also provide a time of day for a task. Under the date picker in the Task Editor, switch on Show Due Time. Just below the calendar view in the date picker, there's a 'clock' icon. Tap on that to pick a time.
  • How to delete a task
    In TaskAngel Online, each task on your list has a 'more' button, with three dots. Tap that button to pop up a menu, then tap 'Delete'.
  • Repeats
    Maybe you have a task that you want to happen every day. For example 'Ride Peloton for half an hour'. ​ To set a task to repeat, pop up the Task Editor and select 'Repeat'. ​ Select from the list of options that appears. A task can repeat Daily, on Weekdays, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly, Semiannually or Yearly. ​ When you complete a repeating task, a new task is created automatically, with a new due date. The original task remains as a completed task. Repeating subtasks work the same way, when you complete them. When you complete their parent task, a new task is generated as usual and it contains copies of all subtasks that were set to repeat. All subtasks that were not set to repeat are discarded. You can also set subtasks to ‘Repeat with Parent’. Then when the parent is repeated into a new parent, new versions of those subtasks will be copied into the new parent.
  • Sort Your Tasks
    Sort your Task List by Due Date. Go to Settings by tapping the icon in the Home Page or at the top of the Task List. ​ Look for Sort Presets, and select Sort By Due. Toggle the little arrow to Up so that the sort is ascending. Then tasks with earliest due dates will be at the top of the Task List. ​ Return to the Home Page using the 'home' icon at the top of the Settings Page. Then tap 'active tasks' to get back to the task list, now sorted by due date.
  • Priorities, and how to use them
    Every task can have a priority - Top, High, Medium, Low, or Negative. ​ In the Task Editor, go to the Priority field and select the priority you want. At the bottom of the Task Editor, tap Save to keep your changes. The negative priority is a way of hiding unimportant tasks. Go back to your Settings Page and switch off 'Show Negative Priority'. ​ Staying with Settings, the sort presets let you sort tasks in priority order. There are three Sort presets, so you can sort by one property then another.
  • Organise Your Task List
    Use Folders, Contexts and Goals to organise your tasks. ​ This gives you three more dimensions by which you can filter your tasks. ​ For example, if you are diabetic you might want to have a 'Diabetes' folder. Out of a hundred tasks, only a handful of them are to do with your diabetes, but it's important you keep your eye on them. ​ When you create a diabetes folder, the Task Filter Panel automatically creates a filter for you to focus on your diabetes tasks.
  • My to-do list is stressing me out. How can I make it easier?
    You're not alone! We all feel overloaded. Our Goal Action System will get you back on track.
  • Use Filters to focus on a few tasks
    If you're busy, you might have hundreds of tasks on your list. TaskAngel can reduce them to a manageable number by using filters. ​ For example, the home page has Today's Tasks. Tap on that field, and the task list pops up, filtered by tasks that are due today. ​ At the top left of the Task List, there's a menu button with three lines. Tap on that to bring up the Filter Panel. Choose a filter like Due / Overdue to see tasks whose due dates are in the past. Each filter hides task that don't fit. 'Star' hides tasks that you haven't marked with a star. 'Completed' hides tasks that you haven't marked as complete. 'Due' shows you only the tasks that have a due date of today or earlier. Tap on a folder name to show you only the tasks in that folder. The filters work with your view settings. On Windows, these are in the View menu. On iPhone and iPad they are on the settings page. Tap on the settings button at the foot of your task list. View settings let you show or hide completed tasks, or tasks with negative priority, or with start dates in the future.
  • Should I be using subtasks?
    Sometimes a task is complicated and you have to follow a step by step process. In that case, you can make each of those steps a ‘subtask’ of the main task. Then you will have a parent task with subtasks. Our blog article on subtasks explains how to use them.
  • How do repeating tasks work? How about with subtasks?
    When you complete a task that has 'repeat’ set, that task is finished with and a new task is generated with a new due date decided by the repeat pattern you have chosen. If the task is set to repeat every week, the new task will have a due date one-week later than the due date of the original task, unless you chose ‘repeat from completion’, in which the new due date will be one week later than whenever you completed it. Here’s an example. I have a task 'Weed the garden” which has a due date of Sunday and is set to repeat weekly. Maybe I am busy on Sunday and I get round to doing it on Wednesday. If I mark it as complete on Wednesday, TaskAngel will create a new task, “Weed the garden”, due the next Sunday. But I’ll be too lazy to weed the garden only 4 days later, so I change the repeat pattern to ‘Repeat from completion’. Then when I complete on Wednesday the new task will have a due date of next Wednesday instead of Sunday. Subtasks work the same way, when you complete them. When you complete their parent task, a new task is generated as usual and it contains copies of all subtasks that were set to repeat. All subtasks that were not set to repeat are discarded. You can also set subtasks to ‘Repeat with Parent’. Then when the parent is repeated into a new parent, new versions of those subtasks will be copied into the new parent.
  • Can I create my own custom filters for my to-do list?
    All versions of TaskAngel let you filter your task by properties like due date, start date, priority, folder, goal, context and status. With TaskAngel for Windows, you can do this even more powerfully by creating your own custom filters, based on combinations of properties that you specify. To create a new filter, go to the TaskAngel top menu and choose Edit / My Filters / New Filter. A window pops up called ‘New Custom Filter’. Suppose you want to filter for high priority filters that aren’t to be done at work. Give your filter a title like ‘High Priority not @Work’ and then go on to choose the rules for the filter. These are the rules that a task must pass to be included by the filter. The first rule is already populated to be Priority Top, so just change it to be Priority High. Then add a rule for context. If you have a context called Work, tap ‘add rule’ and select ‘Not context’ ‘Work’ Save your new custom filter. It appears on your Filter Panel, under the heading ‘My Filters. When you tap on it, your task list is reduced to only those tasks that pass your new filter. In this case, tasks that are high priority and do not have 'Work' context. To change or remove a custom filter, right-click on it and select an action from the menu that pops up. You can build complex filters by combining your rules with ‘and’ or ‘or’, using the drop-downs before each rule. TaskAngel follows the strict rules of logic when combining terms. Each group of ‘ands’ is combined first, then the ‘ors’ are applied.
  • Why can't I see all of my tasks?
    Task visibility is governed by your View settings and by your Filters. If you can't see some of your tasks, check the view settings first to see if your tasks are being hidden. Tasks might be hidden if you have completed them, or if you have set them to start at a future date, or if you have given them a negative priority, or put them in a folder you have archived, or assigned them a goal you have archived. In the filter panel, set the filter to 'All Tasks'. This will show you all tasks that satisfy your view settings. If you have subtasks, they will only be visible if you have opened their parent task. On Windows you do this by clicking on the bullet to the left of the parent task. On iPhone and iPad, you do it by tapping the 'subtasks' button to the right of the parent task, on the task list. We have a blog article that will tell you a lot more about subtasks
  • How can I sync across my devices?
    Any device with a browser can run TaskAngel Online, when the device is connected to the Internet. It connects directly to our secure servers. Whenever you change anything in TaskAngel Online, that change is saved immediately to our server. Then, if you are running TaskAngel on another device, you can bring TaskAngel Online up to date by tapping on the Refresh button at the top of the filter menu. The Refresh command gets a complete update of your tasks and notes from the server. If you are running TaskAngel for iPhone and iPad, you can use the settings page to set up sync with TaskAngel Online. The Sync button brings the TaskAngel Online server up to date with your on-device tasks and notes.
  • What is a subtask?
    Sometimes a task is complicated and you have to follow a step by step process. In that case, you can make each of those steps a ‘subtask’ of the main task. Then you will have a parent task with subtasks. Our blog article on subtasks explains how to use them.
  • What is a folder?
    When you task list starts to grow, you can make it easier to deal with, by organising your tasks into folders. A folder is a container into which you can put tasks and notes. Put your tasks into Folders to keep them organised. This is great if you are managing a project. Put all the tasks for your project into its folder. If you running a number of projects, you might want to use a folder for each of them. ​ On the home page, tap Folders to bring up your folder list. Tap the floating + button to add a new folder. ​ To put a task into a folder, edit the task and use the Folder field to pick the folder you want it to go in. ​ In the Task List, bring up the Filter Panel to select a folder. The task list then shows only the tasks that are in that folder.
  • How to add a folder
    In TaskAngel Online, there is a Settings button at the bottom of the task list and the note list. Tap on it to bring up the Settings Page. On that page there is a 'Manage Folders' button. Tap on that to pop up the Folder List. From there you can add, edit and delete folders. Tap on the blue '+' button to add your new folder. The folder editor pops up ready to for you to give informaation about the folder. Type in the title of the folder, and a note explaining what kinds of tasks and notes it is for. I am a diabetic and one of my folders is 'Diabetes'. I use it to store notes about what food I eat and how much insulin I take. I put tasks into that folder to remind me to order medications, and to pick them up from my local chemist when they are ready.
  • How to change a folder
    On the settings page tap the 'Manage Folders' button, to pop up the Folder List. From there, tap the three dots beside the folder. This brings up a menu with Edit. This brings up the Folder Editor. Change the title of the folder, or its note, then tap 'Save' when you have made your changes.
  • How to delete a folder
    In TaskAngel Online, on the settings page tap the a 'Manage Goals' button, to pop up the Goal List. Each goal on your list has a 'more' button, with three dots. Tap that button to pop up a menu, then tap 'Delete'. When you delete a folder, you automatically delete all the notes it contains, and all its tasks and their subtasks.
  • What is a goal?
    When there is something important in your life that you want to achieve, that's a Goal. Part of your task list will be dedicated to achieving it. Get started by creating four or file goals that are important to you. ​ To create a goal, start at the home page and tap on the goals count. The goal list pops up. ​ Tap on the + button to add your goal. Give it a title. ​ To assign a goal to a task, open the Task Editor and select the goal you want.
  • How to add a goal
    In TaskAngel Online, there is a Settings button at the bottom of the task list and the note list. Tap on it to bring up the Settings Page. On that page there is a 'Manage Goals' button. Tap on that to pop up the Goal List. From there you can add, edit and delete goals. Tap on the blue '+' button to add your new goal. The goal editor pops up ready to for you to give informaation about the goal. Type in the title of the goal, and a note explaining what will happen to achieve the goal. One of my goals is 'Piano' and its note says "This goal is achieved when I complete the 'Piano In A Flash' course"
  • How to change a goal
    Tap on the 'Manage Goals' button, on the Settings page, to pop up the Goal List. Then tap on the three dots beside the goal. This brings up a menu. Tap on Edit to pop up the Goal Editor. Change the title of the goal or its note, then tap 'Save' when you have made your changes.
  • How to delete a goal
    In TaskAngel Online, tap the Settings button at the bottom of the task list and the note list. On the settings page there is a 'Manage Goals' button. Tap on that to pop up the Goal List. Each goal on your list has a 'more' button, with three dots. Tap that button to pop up a menu, then tap 'Delete'. If any tasks have that goal, their goal will be changed to 'None'
  • What is a context?
    If you want to keep your work tasks separate from your home-making tasks, create two contexts with titles like @home and @work, and assign the appropriate tasks to them. A context is a place where some of your tasks can be done. TaskAngel can filter your task list so that it only shows tasks in the context you are in right now. So when you are at work, TaskAngel knows to hide your gardening jobs.
  • How to add a context
    In TaskAngel Online, there is a Settings button at the bottom of the task list and the note list. Tap on it to bring up the Settings Page. On that page there is a 'Manage Contexts' button. Tap on that to pop up the Context List. From there you can add, edit and delete contexts. Tap on the blue '+' button to add your new folder. The context editor pops up ready to for you to give information about the context. Type in the title of the context. I like to give my contexts names like @home, @work, @shopping, and so on. The @ tunes me in to the purpose of a context.
  • How to change a context
    On the settings page tap the 'Manage Contexts' button, to pop up the Context List. From there, tap the three dots beside the context. This brings up a menu with Edit. Tap Edit to pop up the Context Editor. Change the title of the context, then tap 'Save' when you have made your changes.
  • How to delete a context
    In TaskAngel Online, tap the Settings button at the bottom of the task list and the note list. On the settings page there is a 'Manage Contexts' button. Tap on that to pop up the Context List. Each context on your list has a 'more' button, with three dots. Tap that button to pop up a menu, then tap 'Delete'. If any tasks have that context, their context will be changed to 'None'.
  • What is a note?
    Your tasks can have notes embedded in them, for your to remember details about what you have to do. Your folders and goals can also have their own embedded notes. ​ But you can also keep stand-alone notes, not embedded in anything. The home page gives you access your note list, just tap on the note count. Then tap on + to add a note. ​ Use stand-alone notes to remember anything you want. They don't have to be related to tasks. Keep them in the same folders as the ones you use to organise your tasks. ​ Use them like Evernote or one of the many note-taking apps you can buy. But this note-taking feature comes as a built-in extra inside TaskAngel. A note is often just a simple piece of text. However, you can include formatted headings, bullet lists, and web links if you want to, TaskAngel Online supports the markdown codes described in the official Markdown Guide. Just use the Code switch in the note editor.
  • How to create a note
    In TaskAngel Online, the note list has a large blue '+' button towards the lower right corner. Tap that to pop up the note editor. Say in the title what your note is about. If you are creating this note in response to an email, copy the email into your clipboard and paste it into the note editor. When your note is as you want it, tap 'Save' to add it permanently to your note list.
  • How to change a note
    In TaskAngel Online, each note on your list has a 'more' button, with three dots. Tap that button to pop up a menu, then tap 'Edit'. The note editor pops up and you can change any of the information about yout note. Tap 'Save' when the note is as you want it. Your changes are immediately visible to TaskAngel on your other devices. On those devices, you may need to refresh your note list. You can do that by tapping on the menu and selecting 'Refresh Notes'
  • How to delete a note
    In TaskAngel Online, each note on your list has a 'more' button, with three dots. Tap that button to pop up a menu, then tap 'Delete'.
  • Organising Notes
    Put your notes into Folders to keep them organised. This is great if you are managing a project. Put all the notes for your project into its folder. ​ On the home page, tap Folders to bring up your folder list. Tap the floating + button to add a new folder. ​ To put a note into a folder, edit the note and use the Folder field to pick the folder you want it to go in. ​ In the Note List, bring up the Filter Panel to select a folder. The note list then shows only the notes that are in that folder.
  • Can I link tasks and notes together, or copy from one to the other?
    The task and note pages now have a Copy button that lets you copy to the clipboard. Open the Task Page by tapping on a task in the task list. Or tap on a note in the note list to open the Note Page. Then the Copy button at the top right offers you a choice of formats. Choose the most appropriate format for what you are going to paste into. Rich Text (HTML) Markdown Plain Text Link You can now paste from your system clipboard into anything you like. For example, I have a note describing how to publish a blog post, and I paste a link to it into a task: 'Publish blog post announcing latest release'. Then one click takes me from the task to the 'how to' instructions. If you want to paste into an email, the choice of format depends on your email app. I like to use Spark for my emails, and I find Plain Text works best for that. Markdown is the format that TaskAngel uses behind the scenes to store your notes. That's what the Task and Note Editors show you when you switch on the 'Code' toggle.
  • How much does TaskAngel cost? Do I have to pay a subscription?
    You can try TaskAngel Online for 30 days, free of charge. After that, you need to pay a subscription of $2 per month, or the equivalent in your local currency. We process your payment in partnership with Stripe. It's one of the world's leading secure payment gateways.
  • Subscribe to TaskAngel Online
    When you registered in TaskAngel Online, you started a 30-day free trial. To continue using TaskAngel after 7 days, you must buy a subscription. This is just $2 per month. The Settings Page shows your current subscription status, with a Subscribe button. Press that button to set up your payments. ​ You can cancel your subscription at any time, also on the Settings Page. Tap Manage Your Subscription. This takes you to the Stripe Portal, just tap Cancel Plan.
  • I'm overloaded. Can you help me manage my time?
    When should I sort by due dates, and when by priority? There are many Time Management Systems that answer these and other questions, about mastering your workload with a to-do list. TaskAngel is the perfect app to work with any time management system. ​ One of the best time management systems is MYN, by Michael Linenberger. Read more in our article 'The Power of Now - How to make the perfect to do list in one minute' ​ TaskAngel also supports Getting Things Done, devised by David Allen. Head over to our Blog to read a fascinating supply of articles to help you with time management and personal productivity.
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