Our company is dedicated to helping people face the challenges in their lives. We do this by harnessing advanced software technologies and turning them into products that are delightfully easy to use.
Software to help you
TaskAngel helps you organize your personal workload. It’s a powerful to-do list manager. Its rich set of features help you get more done and make more time for fun. Available now on all connected devices. Visit taskangel.com for more details, updates and support.
Everything we do is driven by our customers. Here’s what just two of them had to say:
“Wow! Now that’s what I call CUSTOMER SUPPORT!! I’m completely blown away by the speed at which you turned this around. Thanks a million for your assistance! – Charles M, Maryland, USA”
“I enjoy using the software and find it very helpful in so many ways! Very nice work, indeed – Michael J, Kentucky, USA”
About us
MyPocketSoft is an independent software house, based in the Thames Valley in England. It was founded in 1998 by Andrew Boswell, after thirty years of experience in the UK computer industry. MyPocketSoft is a division of A J Boswell Limited, registered in the UK, company number 5718602.
Contact us
21 Greenfinch Close
RG45 6TZ
United Kingdom
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