Sort Your Life Out
The latest release of TaskAngel for iPhone and iPad can organize your to-do list even more conveniently. To see the new features in action, tap the Settings icon at the bottom left corner of the task list. The new Sort section gives you complete control over how to group and sort your tasks.

To list your tasks by folder, choose “Group tasks by folder ascending.” To sort by due date, use “Sort by due date ascending.” If you have lost track of an action you have recently been working on, try “Sort by modified date descending.”

You can have one level of grouping and three levels of sorting, all at the same time. For example “Group by priority, then sort by start date, then due date, then when added.” Choose from six properties to group by, and ten properties for sorting at each level.
These improvements come on top of the extensive searching and filtering features you know and love, giving you a fantastic range of tools to bring your workload under control.
New Defaults
There are two more settings, in a new Defaults section. Default Priority can be Low or Medium, and there is a switch for ‘New Tasks Start Today.’ These both apply when you create a new task.

Our final design change helps you when working on the text of your notes. Now the toolbar buttons for Bold and Italic change color to indicate the status of the words you are editing.
Finally, this release has a couple of bug fixes.
Get it now
New release 1.8 of TaskAngel for iPhone and iPad is available now from the App Store.

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Please let us have your feedback. Do you like the new features? What other improvements do you want us to make? Make a comment here, or go to our Contact page.